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- Talking to the Enemy
- The Counter-Revolution in Diplomacy, and Other Essays
- The Palgrave Macmillan Dictionary of Diplomacy
- The Politics of the South Africa Run
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- The Foreign Ministry (Chapter 1)
- Prenegotiations (Chapter 2)
- ‘Around the Table’ Negotiations (Chapter 3)
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- Diplomacy, Satire and the Victorians
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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- Oval Office horror show, or How not to do diplomacy
- US and Russia restoring diplomatic ties?
- Will the Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance underpin NATO?
- Prenegotiations on peace in Ukraine?
- Israel-Palestine: A fantasy formula for ‘the day after’?
- UK-China deal on new embassies
- Israel’s ‘accidental’ attacks on UNIFIL
- UN Pact for the Future versus the Usual Suspects
- Elon Musk: Public Enemy No. 1
- Lest we forget: The UN Charter
- A collective noun for diplomats
- The embassy that planned 13 toilets underground
- The diplomatic consequences of Mrs Sacoolas
- New London embassy for China?
- ‘COP28’? Names matter
- Gaza: Turkish mediation?
- Gaza: humanitarian pause or ceasefire?
- China’s embassy in Ukraine
- ‘Agri-food-and drink attachés’ for endangered seats
- Email crash
- Fleetwood Mac, ‘Perfect’ surprise
- New START Treaty on embassy life support
- Corrupt honorary consuls exposed
- How your country voted in UN debates on Ukraine
- Boris Johnson: Tottering Tsar of Londongrad
- America’s headless embassies
- Secrecy in negotiations, UK-style
- ‘Buy, buy (not bye-bye) Mr Ambassador!’
- Embassies and transnational repression
- Boris Johnson: the charge sheet
- ‘Brexit: a tragic national error’
- Boris Johnson takes UK down
- Obituary: Ambassador Laurence Pope
- Johnson’s Britain and the price of breaking international law
- Hostile takeover: Foreign Office swallows Development ministry
- American diplomacy in crisis
- Russia Report finally disgorged
- An honorary consul in the pandemic
- The hole in the fence
- EU-UK video-conferencing. All for show?
- Where have all the health attachés gone?
- Pandemic boost for video-conferencing?
- Choosing the wrong ambassador
- Will Russia Report ever see light of day?
- Brexit Counsellor at British Embassy Washington resigns
- Johnson sits on ISC Report on Russian interference
- The Perm Rep and the unsigned letter
- EU-UK negotiations: normal rules?
- Foreign Office cleaners’ strike. Diplomacy begins at home
- Parliamentary democracy 11 – 0 Boris Johnson
- Non-papers in Brexit negotiations
- If at first you don’t succeed …
- EU negotiations with Johnson a waste of time
- Darroch resignation. Who appoints a new ambassador?
- Trump and Darroch
- Petition on Russia and BREXIT
- British Diplomats on Brexit
- Q. Which London embassy needs 13 cultural attachés?
- The Emirates, SIS – and Brexit
- The inevitability of a bad Brexit deal for Britain
- The Khashoggi affair and consular law
- Diplomacy, Satire and the Victorians
- Donald Duck could have got Kim to Singapore
- Intelligence officers in the present crisis between Russia and the West
- Enter the Stupid Party, Exit Diplomacy
- Death of author of WHAT DIPLOMATS DO
- Boris (‘the horse’) Johnson must go – Update
- Trump and Putin: that ‘secret meeting’ at the G20 dinner
- Tillerson, Russia and the return of ‘megaphone diplomacy’
- The regrettable resilience of ‘resilience’
- A public diplomacy own goal for Trump’s State Department
- In defence of the House of Lords
- ‘Guarded engagement’ with Russia means what?
- Geneva Prenegotiations on Syria
- Political appointees: more trouble for Trump with the CIA?
- US diplomats revolt against Trump
- The Trump-Russia Dossier cannot be dismissed lightly
- ‘Who would want to be a diplomat now?’
- Donald Trump and the Death of Summitry
- Boris Johnson ‘negotiate’ with the EU? The idea is laughable
- London Court of Appeal (rightly) upholds immunity of ‘sham’ diplomat
- Embassies in the tense Saudi Arabia-Iran relationship
- Why bother with an Index?
- Ferment in the US Foreign Service
- Road maps for careful diplomats
- ‘Soft power’ is nothing more than influence
- 16 reasons why I publish books and articles on this site
- Embassy attics and roofs
- Expeditionary diplomacy
- Five best books on diplomacy
- Category: Book reviews 1999 – 2003
- Keeping the Peace in the Cyprus Crisis of 1963-64
- Cursed is the Peacemaker: The American Diplomat Versus the Israeli General, Beirut 1982
- The International Law Commission 1949-1998. Vol. One: The Treaties, Part I
- Leadership Selection in the Major Multilaterals
- The Permanent Under-Secretary of State: A brief history of the office and its holders
- A Diplomat in Siam (introduced and edited by Nigel Brailey)
- Bilateral Diplomacy
- Unvanquished: A U.S.-U.N. Saga
- Decision-Making in the UN Security Council: The case of Haiti, 1990-1997
- The Diplomacies of New Small States: The case of Slovenia with some comparison(s) from the Baltics
- Consular Law and Practice, 2nd edn
- The system of privileges and immunities applicable to the international organisations in Switzerland and to the permanent foreign delegations in Geneva
- Herding Cats: Multiparty Mediation in a Complex World
- Frontline Diplomacy: The U.S. Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection on CD-ROM
- Yes, (Saudi) Minister! A Life in Administration
- Journeying Far and Wide: A Political and Diplomatic Memoir
- A Selection of New diplomatic memoirs
- Inside Diplomacy
- Born a Foreigner: A Memoir of the American Presence in Asia
- Making Foreign Policy: A Certain Idea of Britain
- The History of Diplomatic Immunity
- Category: Book reviews 2004 – 2007
- The Twenty-First Century Ambassador: Plenipotentiary to Chief Executive and Asian Diplomacy: The Foreign Ministries of China, India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand
- Diplomacy with a Difference: The Commonwealth Office of High Commissioner, 1880-2006
- Politics and Diplomacy in Early Modern Italy: The structure of diplomatic practice, 1450-1800
- The Year of Europe: America, Europe and the Energy Crisis, 1972-1974
- Spies in Uniform: British Military and Naval Intelligence on the Eve of the First World War
- DC Confidential: The controversial memoirs of Britain’s ambassador to the U.S. at the time of 9/11 and the Iraq War
- Essence of Diplomacy
- England and the Avignon Popes: The practice of diplomacy in late medieval Europe
- The History and Politics of UN Security Council Reform
- Lucky George: Memoirs of an Anti-Politician
- Managing the Cold War: A view from the front line
- Discourse on the Art of Negotiation
- Multilateral Conferences: Purposeful International Negotiation
- Under the Wire: How the telegraph changed diplomacy
- The New Diplomacy
- Chinese Ambassadors: The rise of diplomatic professionalism since 1945
- The Long Affair: Thomas Jefferson and the French Revolution
- Category: Book reviews 2008 – 2010
- The Queen’s Ambassador to the Sultan: Memoirs of Sir Henry A. Layard’s Constantinople Embassy, 1877-1880
- Diplomats at War: British and Commonwealth diplomacy in wartime
- The Blair Years: Extracts from the Alastair Campbell diaries
- Twentieth-Century Diplomacy: A Case Study of British Practice, 1963-1976
- Just a Diplomat
- Cyprus: the search for a solution
- Diplomacy and Developing Nations: Post-Cold War foreign policy-making structures and processes
- Category: Book reviews 2011 - 2014
- The Demilitarization of American Diplomacy: Two cheers for striped pants
- Radio Free Europe: An insider’s view
- Diplomatenleben
- Last Man Standing: Memoirs of a political survivor
- British Diplomacy and the Descent into Chaos: The career of Jack Garnett, 1902-19
- Transformational Diplomacy after the Cold War: Britain’s Know How Fund in Post-Communist Europe, 1989-2003
- 21st Century Diplomacy: A practitioner’s guide
- Economic Diplomacy: India’s experience
- The Practice of Diplomacy: Its evolution, theory and administration
- Category: Book reviews 2015 - 2019
- Barder, Brian, Brian Barder’s Diplomatic Diary
- Room for Diplomacy: The history of Britain’s diplomatic buildings overseas, 1800-2000
- Diplomatic Notebooks 1, 1958-1960: The view from Ankara
- The Summer Capitals of Europe, 1814-1919
- Curing the Sick Man: Sir Henry Bulwer and the Ottoman Empire, 1858-1865
- The Embassy: A story of war and diplomacy
- Diplomatic Interference and the Law
- John le Carré: The Biography
- Back Channel to Cuba: The hidden history of negotiations between Washington and Havana
- Category: Book reviews 2020 -